All posts in "Everything Havanese"

Is Havanese a Good Apartment Dog?

Today, owning and live with a dog has become a thing that you should very carefully think through before you take action. It is not because that people today are over thinking. It is actually because that we have some much useful information on our fingertip that it wouldn’t make sense if we don’t take […]


What is the Neck Size of Havanese & How They Compare to Other Dogs

For all those Havanese owners and lovers out there, I know that you want to find out almost everything about Havanese. One of the most surprisingly common questions I got is what the neck size of Havanese is. To make this blog post more interesting, not only will I answer this question, I will also […]


Havanese Vs Maltipoo: Which One is the Better Choice for You?

Choose what dog to own is one of the most exciting time in your life. I am absolutely not saying the part of your life when you actually live with your dog is not exciting, I would describe that as easily one of the happiest time in your life. But in terms of excitement, the […]


Why Do My Havanese Get Itchy? What to Do with It?

Today, I am going to talk about things that are related to your Havanese feeling itchy. For example: how to find out whether your Havanese feel itchy. What cause them to feel itchy. What to do when it happens. Finding Out that Your Havanese Feel Itchy Isn’t Really That Hard Havanese make it very obvious […]


Are Havanese Cute? Read This Before You Become an Owner

For those of you who want to become a dog owner and thinking about what dog you want to get, this is probably one of the most exciting time of your life. Don’t get me wrong, the happiest time is the time you actually spend with your future dog. But in terms of excitement, that’s […]


How to Make Your Havanese Quiet in a Good Way

Today, I am going to write about a very interesting and surprisingly common question: how to make my Havanese more quiet? The interesting part about the question actually starts at the reason why the question is asked. The Quiet Havanese Owners Vs The Loud Ones There are two extreme types of people. I am sure […]


For Havanese, How Many Puppies are in a Litter?

Unless you are going to let your Havanese or your “Havanese’s girlfriend” give birth, the question of how many puppies are in a litter should be directly related to you. Yet, this is a very common question because we human are just super curious about things that we love. It is like how we are […]


What You Need to Know about Havanese, Especially for Potential Owners

Havanese are such cute dogs. It isn’t hard to imagine that there are many people who are thinking about owning a dog is targeting at getting a Havanese. If you are one of those people who get attracted to the cute little dog too, don’t just go and get one due to your flashes of […]


What to Handle a 2-Year-Old Havanese that Still Pooped Everywhere at Home

Today, I am going to talk about a interesting yet somewhat frustrating topic. I am going to talk about what to do when a two-year-old Havanese still pooped everywhere at home. There are different cases that have happened to friends around me and I am going to explain each case briefly and provide you with […]


Havanese Training Secrets: How to Make Your Intelligent Dog Even Better

Today, let’s talk about how to actually train your Havanese yourself. Don’t get me wrong. There is actually nothing wrong with letting an institute train you Havanese. However, there are some training you must provide in order to have your Havanese to behave well at your home. For example, having an institute potty train your […]

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