Havanese Training Secrets
When you want to train your havanese dog, the most common behavior commands will attempt to train a dog to stop or start some type of behavior. You either have a dog that is doing something you don’t like or you have a dog that is not doing something you want them to do. Common commands that fall under the “do” category include sitting, staying, down, or come commands. These are behaviors you want your dog to do. “Don’t” commands might include jumping, running, pulling or biting. These are the behaviors you want your pup to stop doing. Both of these situations are highly trainable if you are willing to put in the time and learn.
How to make your Havanese dog do what you want
The “do” commands are taught in really only three ways according to research I have seen. You can use marker training, reward training, or praise. The best methods use at least two of these methods together. Each of them are effective if you implement them correctly and make certain to be consistent.
Reward Training
Reward training involves enticing your small dog to get into a good position to do something desirable and then rewarding them with said lure when they perform it. The lure might be a doggie treat, toy or countless other lures. The key is to shower the dog with praise for the behavior when they do it and to give them the treat only after they have done it. If you give it beforehand, then you will be bribing the dog to doing things.
Praise Training
This is generally done by physically putting the dog into position to succeed and then praising them when they complete the desired behavior. This is often done with training equipment like halters or collars. This is sometimes mixed with reward training by giving a treat on completion.
Marker Training
This is done by clicking a clicker or marker every time the dog does something that you find desirable. Once they marker is clicked for good behavior the dog will be rewarded with praise, treats or petting. This is effective because the behavior is always first. This easily prevents your dog from expecting treats before a behavior is performed and keeping this a reward. If you want to learn more about click training your toy dog this book will give you some actionable advice tips.
How to Start Clicker Training Video
How to stop your Havanese dog from doing what you don’t want
The don’t commands are really done in two ways if they are done correctly.
Replace the Behavior You Don’t Like
If a dog is doing something you don’t want, the easiest path to changing that is to give them something that either negates or replaces that behavior. For example, a dog that is nipping and play biting might be given a toy to chew every time they exhibit the behavior. This makes biting or nipping impossible and shows the dog a better option at the same time. This is a replacement technique.
Another effective way to do this is to give the dog a consequence of bad behavior. This primarily only works when your dog is doing things he knows better about. It can be used otherwise, but only in certain circumstances. Here are some types of consequences:
Stopping something they enjoy – When a dog is not complying with instructions, you can take away attention, rewards, activities they are participating in or even putting them in timeout. These are effective in the right scenario.
Something bad happens to match what the dog did – This is like a verbal reprimand, electric collar and so on. These are best done by dog trainers or people trained by a responsible dog trainer. This is especially true of choke collars and electronic devices. Nobody should try to “wing it” with these types of corrections. You could hurt the dog or yourself before you even know what happened.
What is best for the two of you?
The only way you can be sure which approach works best for you is to take a look at your dog and yourself. Which obedience training method matches up? You have to be available to implement some of these things too, so make sure you can implement it properly.
Havanese Leash Training Video
This video gives a good example on how you can begin to train your havanese to stay with you on a leash so that you don’t have to constantly fight or pull on the leash to get them to follow you.
What Next? Check out some other great posts!
- The Havanese Dog – An overview about the Havanese Breed
- Dealing with Havanese Tear Staining
- Chondrodysplasia in a Havanese Dog
- Havanese Puppy Buying Guide
- The Havana Silk Dog